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Document Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Income Statements
Consolidated Comprehensive Income Statement
Consolidated Comprehensive Income Statements (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Consolidated Statements of Equity
Consolidated Statements of Equity (Parenthetical)
Notes to Financial Statements
Major Accounting Policies
New Accounting Guidance
Discontinued Operations
Business Restructuring and Cost Reduction Actions
Business Combinations
Summarized Financial Information of Equity Affiliates
Plant and Equipment, net
Intangible Assets
Financial Instruments
Fair Value Measurements
Retirement Benefits
Commitments and Contingencies
Capital Stock
Share-Based Compensation
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss
Noncontrolling Interests
Earnings per Share
Income Taxes
Supplemental Information
Summary by Quarter (Unaudited)
Business Segment and Geographic Information
Schedule II
Accounting Policies
Major Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Discontinued Operations (Tables)
Business Restructuring and Cost Reduction Actions (Tables)
Inventories (Tables)
Summarized Financial Information of Equity Affiliates (Tables)
Plant and Equipment, net (Tables)
Goodwill (Tables)
Intangibles (Tables)
Leases (Tables)
Financial Instruments (Tables)
Fair Value Measurements (Tables)
Debt (Tables)
Retirement Benefits (Tables)
Commitments and Contingencies (Tables)
Capital Stock (Tables)
Share-Based Compensation (Tables)
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Tables)
Noncontrolling Interests (Tables)
Earnings per Share (Tables)
Income Taxes (Tables)
Supplemental Information (Tables)
Summary by Quarter (Unaudited) (Tables)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Tables)
Notes Details
Major Accounting Policies (Narratives) (Details)
Discontinued Operations (Narrative) (Details)
Discontinued Operations (Schedule of Operating Results) (Details)
Discontinued Operations (Schedule of Assets and Liabilities) (Details)
Business Restructuring and Cost Reduction Actions (Narrative) (Details)
Business Restructuring and Cost Reduction Actions (Carrying Amount of Accrual) (Details)
Business Combinations (Narrative) (Details)
Inventories (Narratives) (Details)
Inventories (Schedule of Inventory) (Details)
Summarized Financial Information of Equity Affiliates (Narratives) (Details)
Summarized Financial Information of Equity Affiliates (Investment Listing) (Details)
Summarized Financial Information of Equity Affiliates (Table Of Summarized Financial Information Of Equity Affiliates) (Details)
Plant and Equipment, net (Narratives) (Details)
Plant and Equipment, net (Major Classes of Plant and Equipment) (Details)
Goodwill (Schedule of Goodwill by Segment) (Details)
Goodwill (Narrative) (Details)
Intangible Assets (Narratives) (Details)
Intangible Assets (Acquired Intangible Assets) (Details)
Intangible Assets (Projected Annual Amortization Expense for Intangible Assets) (Details)
Leases (Narratives) (Details)
Leases (Minimum Payments Due) (Details)
Leases (Lease Receivables) (Details)
Leases (Minimum Lease Payments Receivable) (Details)
Financial Instruments (Narrative) (Details)
Financial Instruments (Schedule of Outstanding Currency Price Risk Management Instruments) (Details)
Financial Instruments (Schedule of Interest Rate Swaps and Cross Currency Interest Rate Swaps) (Details)
Financial Instruments (Fair Value of Derivative Instruments) (Details)
Financial Instruments (Schedule of Gain/Loss Related to Derivative Instruments) (Details)
Fair Value Measurements (Schedule of the Carrying Values and Fair Values of Financial Instruments) (Details)
Fair Value Measurements (Schedule of Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities) (Details)
Fair Value Measurements (Schedule of Non-recurring Fair Value Measurements Of Long-Lived Assets Held For Sale) (Details)
Debt (Narratives) (Details)
Debt (Summary of Outstanding Debt) (Details)
Debt (Short-term Borrowings) (Details)
Debt (Long-term Debt) (Details)
Debt (Maturities of Long-term Debt) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Narrative) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Net Periodic Benefit Cost) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Assumption in calculating net periodic benefit Cost) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Assumption in calculating projected benefit obligation) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Change in PBO) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Change in Plan Assets) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Amounts recognized in balance sheet) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Changes recognized in other comprehensive income on pretax basis) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Changes recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income on pretax basis) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Amount of accumulated other comprehensive income expected to be recognized in next fiscal year) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Benefit liability exceeds value of plan assets) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Plan Assets target allocation) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Pension plan assets at fair value by asset class) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Projected benefit payments) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Summary of changes in pension plan assets fair value classified as level 3) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Assumed heathcare trend rates) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Litigation and Environmental) (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Pace) (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Piedmont) (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Paulsboro) (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Pasadena) (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Asset Retirement Obligations) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Guarantees and Other) (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Put Option Agreements) (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Purchase Obligation) (Details)
Capital Stock (Common Stock) (Narrative) (Details)
Capital Stock (Changes in Common Shares) (Details)
Capital Stock (Preferred Stock and Shareholder Rights Plan) (Narrative) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Narratives) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Compensation Cost Recognized in Income Statement) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Total Before Tax Share Based Compensation Cost by Type of Program) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Share based Compensation Arrangement Assumptions) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Summary of Stock Option Activity) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Summary of Stock Option Contract Term and Intrinsic Value) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Summary of Deferred Stock Units) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Summary Of Restricted Stock) (Details)
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Rollforward) (Details)
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Reclassification) (Details)
Noncontrolling Interests (Narrative) (Details)
Noncontrolling Interests (Rollforward Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest) (Details)
Earnings per Share (Schedule of Earnings per Share) (Details)
Earnings per Share (Narrative) (Details)
Income Taxes (Narrative) (Details)
Income Taxes (Income Of U.S And Foreign Operations Before Taxes) (Details)
Income Taxes (Components of the Income Taxes Provision) (Details)
Income Taxes (Effective Tax Rate Reconciliation) (Details)
Income Taxes (Significant Components of Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities) (Details)
Income Taxes (Deferred Tax Assets And Liabilities Included In Consolidated Financials) (Details)
Income Taxes (Reconciliation Of Unrecognized Tax Benefits) (Details)
Income Taxes (Summary Of Income Tax Examinations) (Details)
Supplemental Information (Other Receivables and Current Assets) (Details)
Supplemental Information (Other Noncurrent Assets) (Details)
Supplemental Information (Payables and Accrued Liabilities) (Details)
Supplemental Information (Other Noncurrent Liabilities) (Details)
Supplemental Information (Other Income Expense) (Details)
Supplemental Information (Narrative) (Details)
Summary by Quarter (Unaudited) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Narratives) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Revenue from External Customers Information) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Income Information) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Assets Information) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Geographic Information) (Details)
Schedule II - Valuation And Qualifying Accounts (Schedule Of Valuation And Qualifying Accounts) (Details)
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