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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Notes to Financial Statements
Major Accounting Policies
New Accounting Guidance
Airgas Transaction
Business Combinations
Global Cost Reduction Plan
Discontinued Operations
Summarized Financial Information of Equity Affiliates
Plant and Equipment
Intangible Assets
Financial Instruments
Fair Value Measurements
Retirement Benefits
Commitments and Contingencies
Capital Stock
Share-Based Compensation
Noncontrolling Interests
Earnings per Share
Income Taxes
Supplemental Information
Summary by Quarter (Unaudited)
Business Segment and Geographic Information
Schedule II-Valuation and Qualifying Accounts
Accounting Policies
Major Accounting Policies (Policy)
Notes Tables
Major Accounting Policies (Tables)
Global Cost Reduction Plan (Tables)
Discontinued Operations (Tables)
Inventories (Tables)
Summarized Financial Information of Equity Affiliates (Tables)
Plant and Equipment (Tables)
Goodwill (Tables)
Intangible Assets (Tables)
Leases (Tables)
Financial Instruments (Tables)
Fair Value Measurements (Tables)
Debt (Tables)
Retirement Benefits (Tables)
Commitments and Contingencies (Tables)
Share-Based Compensation (Tables)
Noncontrolling Interests (Tables)
Earnings per Share (Tables)
Income Taxes (Tables)
Supplemental Information (Tables)
Summary by Quarter (Unaudited) (Tables)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Tables)
Schedule II-Valuation and Qualifying Accounts (Tables)
Notes Details
Major Accounting Policies (Schedule of the Principal Lives for Major Classes of Plant and Equipment) (Details)
Major Accounting Policies (Narrative) (Details)
Airgas Transaction (Narrative) (Details)
Business Combinations (Narrative) (Details)
Global Cost Reduction Plan (Narrative) (Details)
Global Cost Reduction Plan (Global Cost Reduction Plan as it relates to businesses at segment level) (Details)
Global Cost Reduction Plan (Table of Changes for the Global Cost Reduction Plan) (Details)
Discontinued Operations (US Healthcare) (Narrative) (Details)
Discontinued Operations (Table of Operating Results of Discontinued Operations) (U.S. Healthcare) (Details)
Discontinued Operations (Polymer Emulsions) (Narrative) (Details)
Discontinued Operations (Table of Operating Results of Discontinued Operations) (Polymer Emulsions Business) (Details)
Discontinued Operations (HPPC) (Narrative) (Details)
Discontinued Operations (Table of Operating Results of Discontinued Operations) (HPPC Business) (Details)
Discontinued Operations (Table of Operating Results of Discontinued Operations) (Details)
Inventories (Schedule of Inventory) (Details)
Summarized Financial Information of Equity Affiliates (Narrative) (Details)
Summarized Financial Information of Equity Affiliates (Table of Summarized Financial Information of Equity Affiliates) (Details)
Plant and Equipment (Schedule of Major Classes of Plant and Equipment at Cost) (Details)
Plant and Equipment (Narrative) (Details)
Goodwill (Schedule of Goodwill by Segment) (Details)
Goodwill (Narrative) (Details)
Intangible Assets (Schedule of Acquired Intangible Assets) (Details)
Intangible Assets (Narrative) (Details)
Intangible Assets (Schedule of Intangible Assets Projected Amortization) (Details)
Leases (Lessee and Lessor Accounting) (Narrative) (Details)
Leases (Schedule of Minimum Lease Payments Due) (Details)
Leases (Schedule of Lease Receivables) (Details)
Leases (Schedule of Minimum Lease Payments to be Collected) (Details)
Financial Instruments (Schedule of Outstanding Currency Price Risk Management Instruments) (Details)
Financial Instruments (Options Contract) (Narrative) (Details)
Financial Instruments (Schedule of Cross Currency Interest Rate Swaps) (Details)
Financial Instruments (Schedule of Commodity Contracts) (Details)
Financial Instruments (Fair Value of Derivative Instruments) (Details)
Financial Instruments (Schedule of the Gain/Loss Related to Derivative Instruments) (Details)
Financial Instruments (Credit Risk-Related Contingent Features) (Narrative) (Details)
Financial Instruments (Counterparty Credit Risk Management) (Narrative) (Details)
Fair Vale Measurements (Schedule of the Carrying Values and Fair Values of Financial Instruments) (Details)
Fair Value Measurements (Schedule of Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities) (Details)
Fair Value Measurements (Narrative) (Details)
Debt (Schedule of Total Debt) (Details)
Debt (Schedule of Short-term Borrowings) (Details)
Debt (Narrative) (Details)
Debt (Schedule of Long-term Debt) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Defined Benefit Pension Plans) (Narrative) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of the Net Periodic Benefit Costs) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of the Weighted Average Assumptions Used in the Calculation of Net Periodic Pension Cost) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of the Weighted Average Assumptions Used in the Calculation of PBO) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Defined Benefit Plan Amounts Recognized in Balance Sheet) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Changes in Plan Assets and Benefit Obligation Recognized In AOCI on a Pretax Basis) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of the Components Recognized in AOCI on a Pretax Basis) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of AOCI Expected to be Recognized as a Component of Net Periodic Pension Cost in Next Fiscal Year) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Target and Actual Asset Allocations) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Pension Plan Assets Measured at Fair Value) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Changes in Fair Value of Pension Plan Assets Classified as Level 3) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Projected Benefit Payments) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Pension Plans Where the PBO Exceeds the Value of Plan Assets) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Pension Plans Where the ABO Exceeds the Value of Plan Assets) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Defined Contribution Plans) (Narrative) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Other Postretirement Benefit Plans' Cost Components) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Other Postretirement Benefits) (Narrative) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Changes in Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation and Amounts Recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Changes in Benefit Obligation Recognized in AOCI on a Pretax Basis for Other Postretirement Benefit Plans) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Components of Other Postretirement Benefit Plans Recognized in AOCI on a Pretax Basis) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Assumed Healthcare Trend Rates) (Details)
Retirement Benefits (Schedule of Projected Benefit Payments for Other Postretirement Benefit Plans) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Litigation and Environmental) (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Pace) (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Piedmont) (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Paulsboro) (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Guarantees and Warranties) (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Put Option Agreements) (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Schedule of Future Payments Under Unconditional Purchase Obligations) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Purchase Obligations) (Narrative) (Details)
Capital Stock (Narrative) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Share-Based Compensation Cost Recognized in the Income Statement) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Schedule of Total Before-tax Share-Based Compensation Cost by Type of Program) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Stock Options) (Narrative) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Schedule of Assumptions Used to Estimate the Fair Value of Options Granted) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Schedule of Stock Option Activity) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Deferred Stock Units) (Narrative) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Schedule of Deferred Stock Units) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Schedule of Restricted Stock) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation (Restricted Stock) (Narrative) (Details)
Noncontrolling Interests (Narrative) (Details)
Noncontrolling Interests (Schedule of Changes in Ownership Interests) (Details)
Earnings per Share (Schedule of Earnings Per Share) (Details)
Earnings per Share (Narrative) (Details)
Income Taxes (Schedule of Components of Income Taxes) (Details)
Income Taxes (Components of Deferred Taxes) (Details)
Income Taxes (Narrative) (Details)
Income Taxes (Effective Tax Rate Reconciliation) (Details)
Income Taxes (Schedule of Income U.S. and Foreign Operations Before Taxes and Noncontrolling Interests) (Details)
Income Taxes (Schedule of Reconciliation of Unrecognized Tax Benefits) (Details)
Income Taxes (Schedule of Open Fiscal Years Subject to Examination By Major Tax Jurisdiction) (Details)
Supplemental Information (Schedule of Other Receivables and Current Assets) (Details)
Supplemental Information (Schedule of Other Noncurrent Assets) (Details)
Supplemental Information (Schedule of Payables and Accrued Liabilities) (Details)
Supplemental Information (Schedule of Other Noncurrent Liabilities) (Details)
Supplemental Information (Schedule of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)) (Details)
Supplemental Information (Schedule of Other Income (Expenses)) (Details)
Supplemental Information (Loss from Property Damage and Additional Income Statement Information) (Narrative) (Details)
Summary by Quarter (Schedule of Unaudited Operating Results by Quarter) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Segment Revenue from External Customers) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Segment Operating Income) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Segment Depreciation and Amortization) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Segment Equity Affiliates' Income) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Segment Total Assets) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Segment Investments in and Advances to Equity Affiliates) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Segment Identifiable Assets) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Segment Expenditures for Long-Lived Assets) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Geographic Information - Revenues from External Customers) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Schedule of Geographic Information - Long-Lived Assets) (Details)
Business Segment and Geographic Information (Narrative) (Details)
Schedule II-Valuation and Qualifying Accounts (Details)
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